Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's finally over! People said I looked like Freddie Mercury... I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Aquaman Sales Figures!

According to this article at The Beat, Aquaman issue 1 sold more than 100 000 copies!
09/2011: Aquaman #1 -- 80,302 [108,545]
10/2011: Aquaman #2 -- 79,156 (-1.4%)

First-month sales are holding level, while Aquaman #1 sold another 28,243 units in its second month — more than any other “New 52″ debut issue apart from Justice League #1. This seems to be one of the titles that retailers underestimated the most.
Underestimate Aquaman? People have been underestimating him for years! Phenominal! Even the second issue drop really isn't that bad. (Although, why would anyone want to drop such a good book??) I wonder if issue 2 will see reorders like issue 1? I guess we'll find out in a month. In the meantime, it looks like Aquaman will be around for a while! In the Top 20! Whoooo-hoooo!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Baby Dolphin Update

A while back I posted on my Google+ account a link to pictures taken of a female baby dolphin who was found with her umbilical cord still attached, but no mother. It looks like she's getting along ok! The people caring for her have an incredible opportunity. Can you imagine being able to raise this sweetie to adulthood? But I imagine as soon as she's big enough, they'll introduce her to other dolphins so she can learn from her own kind. I would hope, anyway. I don't know what the protocol would be here.
