The last poll asked which DC Comics Event you liked the most! And the winner is
Crisis on Infinite Earths! 70 percent of voters said it was the best! And it most certainly is! It was the first cross-over event ever from DC! It featured the artwork of George Perez, who set the standard for all summer event artists to follow! In the series, Supergirl, Aquagirl, and the Flash, along with a host of other heroes, died.

In a tie for second place, with each receiving eleven percent of the vote, are
Infinite Crisis and
Zero Hour.
Infinite Crisis was a direct follow-up to the story from
Crisis on Infinite Earths It featured a story by Geoff Johns and artwork by Phil Jimenez, Ivan Reis, and Jerry Ordway. Superboy (Conner Kent) gave his life in this series.

Zero Hour was another event and the neat thing about this one was that every DC title at the time had a cross-over issue, numbered 0, which featured the origin of the character. It was a fun event and the origin issues were very entertaining. I found myself enjoying this series at the time.

Final Crisis was next with five percent of the vote. I admit, I didnèt like this series at all. It would place last on my list. It featured artwork by a severely over-rated artist by the name of J.G. Jones, who by the way, couldn't finish the last four issues of the seven issue series.

And the two series not receiving any votes were
Millennium, DC's first weekly event comic, and
The Final Night. Both were entertaining series, but they didn't have the gravitas that
Crisis on Infinite Earths or
Infinite Crisis had.

Thanks for voting and look for a Star Trek related poll in the sidebar!