Ok, the story! Geoff Johns wrote a story that at times, had me gasping for breath, and at other times had me screaming in agony! And the art! I can't believe the double-page spreads that Ivan Reis drew! Each one was a masterpiece in visual storytelling! And Ivan started and finished all eight issues, unlike the last few recent DC events! (Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, I'm looking at you!) Even the inkers, colorists, and letterers gave this book more than most expected! And even though I knew this ending would be a set up for The Brightest Day, to do it with so many twists and turns along the way proves that Geoff Johns truly deserves his recent promotion at DC Entertainment!! It's a just one hell of a serving of awesome, covered in awesome sauce, with awesome for dessert!! It's really that good!

Oh boy, do I need space for displays...